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Updated over 10 months ago

Knowledge is power, and you can unlock that power for your business in Joist Elite with our Reports feature.

How to access Reports

On Android, tap Manage in the bottom right, then from the list of options tap Reports.

On Web, click Reports from the left hand menu.

On iOS, tap More in the bottom right, then from the list of options tap Reports.

How Reports works

The first thing you'll see when you access reports are your snapshots for Revenue, Estimate Win Rate, and Invoiced Volume, which are updated daily.


Tap any one of these snapshots to find a detailed report, as seen below. You can switch between detailed views for Revenue, Estimates and Invoices using the tabs at the top of the screen.


Under Revenue, you'll find the total amount of payments you collected for each month, which includes payments you manually recorded and those processed through Joist Payments. This gives you an easy way to quickly assess the financial health of your business month over month.

In Estimates, you'll get detailed reporting per month on the number of estimates you created, how many were approved, your job win rate, total dollar value estimated, and total dollar value approved. Having a better understanding of your approval rate can help you make more informed decisions about what practices work best for you when it comes to winning more jobs.

With the Invoices tab, you can see a monthly breakdown of the total dollar value of invoices issued, how much you've already collected, and what you're still owed. This can help ensure you never lose track of an outstanding payment and helps you keep on top of your business's cashflow.

Emailed Reports

You'll also get weekly sales performance reports sent to you by email to keep you up to date.


Issued: Number of issued estimates based on their first issued date

Approved: Number of approved estimates based on their first issued date

Win Rate: Ratio of approved to issued estimates

Avg. Amount: Average amount of issued estimates grouped by their first issued date

Invoiced: Total invoiced sum based on the invoice issued date. Please note that only issued invoices are counted.

Paid: Total paid sum including both manual and card payments and partial payments

Outstanding: Total outstanding sum, equals invoiced minus paid

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