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Line Item Photos
Updated over 11 months ago

Line Item Photos are a great way to make your line items stand out and set yourself apart from the competition!

You can attach 4 photos directly to each of your line items. Also, if you need more photos, you can still add up to 20 standard photos to your estimates & invoices, using the Document Photos feature.

When you include Line Item Photos on your estimate or invoice, your clients will see photo previews below your line items which they can tap on to view full-sized.

Here's what your Clients will see when you send them an estimate or invoice with Line Item Photos:

And here's how you can use Line Item Photos in Joist to add up to 4 photos to each of your line items. Use the links to jump to instructions for:


Step 1: Create a new estimate / invoice (or edit an existing one).

Step 2: Add a new line item (or use one that you've added previously).

Step 3: In the item details, tap on Photos.

Step 4: Select either Take Photo or Choose Photo. You can add up to 4 photos to each line item.

Step 5 (optional): Add a Description to your photos.

Step 6 (optional): Arrange your photos by tapping Reorder in the top right, then drag your photos up / down with the 3 horizontal lines to the right of each photo. Tap Done when you're finished reordering.

Step 7: When you're finished adding line item photos, tap Back in the top left to return to your item details, then tap Done in the top right.

Step 8: Tap Done again to save and see how impressive your estimate/invoice looks with line item photos!


Note: Line items with photos will display a small blue icon and a number indicating how many photos are added.



Step 1: Create a new estimate / invoice (or edit an existing one).

Step 2: Add a new line item (or use one that you've added previously).

Step 3: On the Edit Item screen, scroll down to Photos and tap ADD.

Step 4: On the Photos screen, tap the green circle then either Take Photo or Choose Photo. You can add up to 4 photos.

Step 5 (optional): Add a Description to your photos.

Step 6 (optional): Arrange your photos by dragging them up / down with the 2 horizontal lines to the right of each photo.

Step 7: When you're done adding line item photos, tap the back arrow in the top left, then tap the checkmark in the top right to return to the Edit Estimate screen.

Step 8: Tap the checkmark in the top right again to save and see how impressive your estimate / invoice looks with line item photos!


Note: Line items with photos will display a small blue icon and a number indicating how many photos are added.



Step 1: Create a new estimate / invoice (or edit an existing one).

Step 2: Add a new line item (or use one that you've added previously).

Step 3: Click on the Upload Photos button and then select up to 4 photos.


After your photos upload, you will see them added to your line item.
If you need to remove any of the photos, click the garbage can icon in the lower right of each photo.


Step 4: When you've added all of your line item photos, click on Save to see how impressive your estimate / invoice looks with line item photos!

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